The Post Where I Leave the House (AHS14)

The Post Where I Leave the House (AHS14)

I spend a lot of time reading, listening, watching and learning through internet content on health and fitness topics, but outside of certifications, I've never been to a live event. That is, up until last week, when I attended the 2014 Ancestral Health Symposium in...

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Energy Systems, a.k.a. 50 Shades of Conditioning

Energy Systems, a.k.a. 50 Shades of Conditioning

A few weeks ago I posted the results from a recent week of testing at 626. Included in these results were a battery of strength indicators, looking at the broad categories of: squatting, single leg, upper body pushing, upper body pulling, bending and core. Also...

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Snatch from the Power Position

Snatch from the Power Position

The snatch is often one of the most troubling movements for folks.  And the truth is, most people will go on struggling with the movement without ever really making meaningful progress.  Ask yourself though, what have you done to improve the lift? Simply performing...

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Training, Testing and Why You Should Know the Difference

Training, Testing and Why You Should Know the Difference

One of the first things that attracted me to crossfit was that feeling being completely crushed after a workout. Of having zero left in the tank and dropping to the floor in exhaustion as soon as time on the clock expired. I'm actually quite well know for my post-wod...

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Group Fitness Testing Results – June 2014

Group Fitness Testing Results – June 2014

The notion of applying the scientific method to our group training at 626 is something that I've been kicking around for quite some time.  Don't get me wrong, our members have seen great results to date, but my inability to quantify those results has slowly been...

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Strength Program Results – Session 5

Strength Program Results – Session 5

Last month we wrapped up the latest, 6-week, 5/3/1 based, strength-specific program at 626.  Continuing as I have done in the past, below is a recap of the results for the 5 recent participants. Just when I think I'll be able to predict the results based on past data,...

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Ghetto Mobility: How to Mash, Roll and Floss on the Cheap

Ghetto Mobility: How to Mash, Roll and Floss on the Cheap

I'll be the first to admit, I'm easily distracted by shiny objects.  I'm convinced that anything with Rogue emblazoned on the side will increase my lifts, make me jump higher and run faster.  Something about the black anodizing.... The reality though, is that for 99%...

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Protein Powder Cookies!

Protein Powder Cookies!

Another guest post from the kitchen of Mrs. Heavey Duty: Coconut Chocolate Chip Protein Cookies (grain free, egg free, and oh so good) Ingredients: ¼ c coconut oil ½ c coconut sugar 1/4 c water 1 T honey ¼ tsp salt ¼ tsp vanilla ½ tsp baking soda ¼ c almond butter ¼ c...

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